Clover Canyon Shopping in DTLA

IMG_9219IMG_9227(1)IMG_9218Yesterday I went to the Clover Canyon sample sale and it was a madhouse! The prices were phenomenal and I found a few dresses and tops for about a quarter of the usual retail price.  I should have been better prepared for this one and worn something close-fitting to make it easier to try the dresses on – I was in a big sweatshirt and had such a hard time changing in the crowd of shoppers and with racks of clothes everywhere.  It was all worth it for the cute things I found but next time I go to a sample sale I’ll definitely dress for it.  One of my San Francisco girlfriends always wears a leotard with a long, flowy skirt over it and flip flops to make it easier to try clothes on at these sales – you can easily pull a pair of pants or shorts up under the skirt and tops are easy to slip over the leotard.

It was fun to get a glimpse of the factory where they make their fabulous clothes.  I love supporting LA designers and manufacturers.

IMG_9222On our way back to the car we found this great pizza place:

IMG_9228The slices were fantastic! Whenever I visit downtown LA – also known as DTLA – I find these great spots that make me not miss NYC so much.

IMG_9230IMG_9229(1)My Sicilian piece was called the ‘Grandma Bess’ and it was spectacularly full of organic Roma tomatoes, basil, Parmesan and garlic galore!

IMG_9233My boyfriend’s slice had cornmeal on the crust which is my absolute favorite! His ‘Magic Chicken’ slice was a little spicy but so good.  I finished my piece and then ate the crust off of this one.

IMG_9232IMG_9231 fixedYou can’t tell from that bag of clothes on my lap how cute everything is in there but I’ll share pictures with you next week.  I’m going to a Mother’s Day beauty event on Saturday and I’m excited to wear one of my Clover Canyon finds.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend and get to spend time with your loved ones!