Cutest Suitcase, Ever

currently crushing, betsey johnson hearts suitcase mobs design shoes, express leggings


But, seriously, how cute is this suitcase?  Betsey Johnson sent the sweetest holiday gift this year (click here to see my IG post) and I am swooning over this perfectly-sized rolling carry-on.  I’m just starting to plan what to pack for our honeymoon next month and this suitcase will be perfect for all the things I’ll be carrying on the plane.

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For international flights I fill my carry-on with the things that would be hardest to replace, since I’m always worried about the airline losing my checked bag.  Number one is my laptop, then jewelry and then the rest of the space is filled with shoes.  I feel like I can find clothes anywhere I go but my shoes would be much harder to replace so I always keep them with me during the flight.  What are the things that you hold near and dear on a flight? xo


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