Rodial Favorites

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This is a rare beauty round-up which consists of products from just one brand!  If you’ve been following along on my snapchat ( username: thecurrentcrush ) then you already know that I’m obsessed with trying new beauty products and cosmetics.  When Rodial sent me two of their latest from the Super Acids line: x-treme hangover mask and x-treme after-party scrub, I set them down on my bathroom counter and realized just how many Rodial products I use on a daily basis.  The bottom line for me is that they ‘work’ for my skin.  Gentle, beautiful formulas and colors plus skincare that actually does what it claims.

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 Rodial was founded in 1999 by beauty authority Maria Hatzistefanis, after years as an international journalist. The brand has an extensive celebrity following and global reach with a presence in more than 3,000 stores and 35 countries worldwide.  You can learn more about Rodial and shop my favorites by clicking the images below:

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