2016 Bay to Breakers

currently crushing 2016 zappos bay to breakers race


Phew!  I’m back home from my trip up to San Francisco to see my family and participate in Bay to Breakers.   San Francisco’s Zappos.com Bay to Breakers is an annual footrace operated by Wasserman Events and has run continuously for over 100 years as a staple to the City by the Bay. With a starting point near the San Francisco Bay, a few blocks from The Embarcadero, the 12K race runs west through the city and finishes at the Great Highway where breakers crash onto the Pacific Coast’s Ocean Beach. A quintessential San Francisco experience since 1912, the race is a true reflection and celebration of life between the breakers and the Bay.  I love this celebration of the city and spending time with my family!


currently crushing 2016 zappos bay to breakers race


currently crushing 2016 zappos bay to breakers race


currently crushing 2016 zappos bay to breakers race


currently crushing 2016 zappos bay to breakers race


currently crushing 2016 zappos bay to breakers race


If Bay to Breakers appears to you to be one big party; you’re right, it is! The race itself is 7.1 miles but there is a bit of a walk getting to the starting line and then a bit more from the finish line to transportation (we usually take a shuttle bus back but decided to Uber it this year)  so I ended up clocking in at about 10 miles for the day.  If you’re considering joining in on the fun next year, you can check out the official website http://www.zapposbaytobreakers.com/ and also my coverage from the past  2015 2014 2013