Melrose Vibes

currently crushing, juliet and co necklace, jordan taylor coverup, vera bradley tote, vera bradley scarf, YMI jeans


Wearing some sunny day pieces in spite of our ‘June Gloom’ here in LA.  This fab beach cover up is doing double-duty over flares (the first pair I’ve loved in a long time) and a simple tank.


currently crushing, juliet and co necklace, jordan taylor coverup, vera bradley tote, vera bradley scarf, YMI jeans


currently crushing, juliet and co necklace, jordan taylor coverup, vera bradley tote, vera bradley scarf, YMI jeansJuliet and Co necklace last seen HERE, HERE and HERE

currently crushing, juliet and co necklace, jordan taylor coverup, vera bradley tote, vera bradley scarf, YMI jeansJORDAN TAYLOR MAXI c/o ~ YMI JEANS ~ JULIET AND CO NECKLACE ~ VERA BRADLEY TOTE c/o ~ VERA BRADLEY SCARF c/o ~ LUCA AND STELLA BANGLE ~ PANDORA BRACELETS AND RINGS c/o

I’m always amazed at how a couple of bright accessories can liven up an outfit! You can probably tell that I’m a huge fan of all things Vera Bradley (if not, then check out my gushing about the brand HERE, HERE and  HERE) so I thought I’d share a few of my favorites for you to scroll through, shop and share,  below:


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